============ Installation ============ Before installing easy-thumbnails, you'll obviously need to have copy of Django installed. For the |version| release, Django 1.4 and up is supported. By default, all of the image manipulation is handled by the `Python Imaging Library`__ (a.k.a. PIL), so you'll probably want that installed too. .. __: http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/ Installing easy-thumbnails ========================== The easiest way is to use an automatic package-installation tools like pip__. .. __: http://pip.openplans.org/ Simply type:: pip install easy-thumbnails Manual installation ------------------- If you prefer not to use an automated package installer, you can download a copy of easy-thumbnails and install it manually. The latest release package can be downloaded from `easy-thumbnail's listing on the Python Package Index`__. .. __: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/easy-thumbnails/ Once you've downloaded the package, unpack it and run the ``setup.py`` installation script:: python setup.py install Configuring your project ======================== In your Django project's settings module, add easy-thumbnails to your ``INSTALLED_APPS`` setting:: INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'easy_thumbnails', ) If you have South installed, run ``python manage.py migrate easy_thumbnails``. Otherwise, just run ``python manage.py syncdb``. You're done! You'll want to head on over now to the :doc:`usage documentation `.