===== Usage ===== The common way easy-thumbnails is used is via the ``{% thumbnail %}`` template tag or ``thumbnail_url`` filter, which generates images from a model with an ``ImageField``. The tag can also be used with media images not tied to a specific model by passing in the relative path instead. Custom database fields are also available for simpler access. The underlying Python code can be used for lower-level generation of thumbnail images. Overview ======== The primary function of easy-thumbnails is to dynamically create thumbnails based on a source image. So whenever a thumbnail does not exist or if the source was modified more recently than the existing thumbnail, a new thumbnail is generated (and saved). Thumbnail aliases can be defined in the :attr:`~easy_thumbnails.conf.Settings.THUMBNAIL_ALIASES` setting, providing predefined thumbnail options. This also allows for generation of thumbnails when the source image is uploaded. Thumbnail options ----------------- To generate a thumbnail of a source image, you specify options which are used by the image processors to generate the required image. ``size`` is a required option, and defines the bounds that the generated image must fit within. Other options are only provided if the given functionality is required: - ``quality=`` where N is an integer between 1 and 100 specifying output JPEG quality. The default is 85. - ``autocrop`` removes any unnecessary whitespace from the edges of the source image. - ``bw`` converts the image to grayscale. - ``replace_alpha=#colorcode`` replaces any transparency layer with a solid color. - ``crop=`` cuts the edges of the image to match the aspect ratio of ``size`` before resizing. - `smart` means the image is incrementally cropped down to the requested size by removing slices from edges with the least entropy. - `scale` means at least one dimension fits within the size dimensions given. - `W,H` modifies the cropping origin behavior: - ``crop="0,0"`` will crop from the left and top edges. - ``crop="-10,-0"`` will crop from the right edge (with a 10% offset) and the bottom edge. - ``crop=",0"`` will keep the default behavior for the x axis (horizontally centering the image) and crop from the top edge. For a complete and detailed list of options, see the :doc:`ref/processors` reference documentation. .. _thumbnail-aliases: Thumbnail aliases ================= An alias is a specific set of thumbnail options. Using aliases gives you a single location to define all of your standard thumbnail sizes/options, and avoids repetition of thumbnail options in your code and templates. An alias may be available project-wide, or set to target a specific app, model or field. The setting is defined like this:: THUMBNAIL_ALIASES = { : { : , ... }, ... } Use the target ``''`` for project-wide aliases. Otherwise, the target should be a string which defines the scope of the contained aliases: * ``'sprocket.Widget.image'`` would make the aliases available to only the 'image' field of a 'Widget' model in an app named 'sprocket'. * ``'sprocket.Widget'`` would apply to any field in the 'Widget' model. * ``'sprocket'`` would target any field in any model in the app. Pregeneration ------------- Some provided signal handlers (along with a new ``saved_file`` signal) allow for you to have the relevant aliases generated when a file is uploaded. .. automodule:: easy_thumbnails.signal_handlers :members: generate_aliases, generate_aliases_global In a module that will be executed when Django loads (such as a ``models.py`` file), register one of these signal handlers. For example:: from easy_thumbnails.signals import saved_file from easy_thumbnails.signal_handlers import generate_aliases_global saved_file.connect(generate_aliases_global) Asynchronous Pregeneration -------------------------- For some use cases, it may not be necessary to have the relevant aliases generated at the exact moment a file is uploaded. As an alternative, the pregeneration task can be queued and executed by a background process. The following example uses `django-celery `_ in conjunction with `Celery `_ to achieve this. models.py:: from django.dispatch import receiver from easy_thumbnails.signals import saved_file from myapp import tasks @receiver(saved_file) def generate_thumbnails_async(sender, fieldfile, **kwargs): tasks.generate_thumbnails.delay( model=sender, pk=fieldfile.instance.pk, field=fieldfile.field.name) tasks.py:: from celery import task from easy_thumbnails.files import generate_all_aliases @task def generate_thumbnails(model, pk, field): instance = model._default_manager.get(pk=pk) fieldfile = getattr(instance, field) generate_all_aliases(fieldfile, include_global=True) This results in a more responsive experience for the user, particularly when dealing with large files and/or remote storage. Setting aliases for your third-party app ---------------------------------------- If you have a distributable app that uses easy-thumbnails and want to provide an alias, you can modify the aliases at runtime. For example, put something like this in a module that will execute when Django initializes (such as ``models.py``):: from easy_thumbnails.alias import aliases if not aliases.get('badge'): aliases.set('badge', {'size': (150, 80), 'crop': True}) Templates ========= To make the easy-thumbnail template library available for use in your template, use:: {% load thumbnail %} .. _thumbnail_url_filter: ``thumbnail_url`` filter ------------------------ .. autofunction:: easy_thumbnails.templatetags.thumbnail.thumbnail_url .. _thumbnail_tag: ``{% thumbnail %}`` tag ----------------------- If you want to create a thumbnail *without* providing an alias, use this tag to generate the thumbnail by specifying all of the required options (or *with* an alias name, to override/supplement the default alias options with dynamic content). .. autofunction:: easy_thumbnails.templatetags.thumbnail.thumbnail For a full list of options, read the :doc:`ref/processors` reference documentation. Fallback images --------------- If you need to support fallback or default images at template level you can use:: {% thumbnail object.image|default:'img/default_image.png' 50x50 %} Where the image string is relative to your default storage (usually the ``MEDIA_ROOT`` setting). .. _thumbnailer_filters: ``thumbnailer`` filters ----------------------- There are two filters that you can use if you want to get direct access to a thumbnailer in your template. This can be useful when dealing with aliased thumbnails. .. autofunction:: easy_thumbnails.templatetags.thumbnail.thumbnailer .. autofunction:: easy_thumbnails.templatetags.thumbnail.thumbnailer_passive Models ====== You can use the ``ThumbnailerField`` or ``ThumbnailerImageField`` fields (based on ``FileField`` and ``ImageField``, respectively) for easier access to retrieve (or generate) thumbnail images, use different storages and resize source images before saving. .. autoclass:: easy_thumbnails.fields.ThumbnailerField .. autoclass:: easy_thumbnails.fields.ThumbnailerImageField Python ====== .. currentmodule:: easy_thumbnails.files Easy thumbnails uses a Django ``File``-like object called a :class:`Thumbnailer` to generate thumbnail images from the source file which it references. ``get_thumbnailer`` ------------------- The easy way to create a :class:`Thumbnailer` instance is to use the following utility function: .. autofunction:: get_thumbnailer :noindex: Once you have an instance, you can use the :meth:`Thumbnailer.get_thumbnail` method to retrieve a thumbnail, which will (by default) generate it if it doesn't exist (or if the source image has been modified since it was created). For example, assuming an ``aardvark.jpg`` image exists in the default storage:: from easy_thumbnails.files import get_thumbnailer thumbnailer = get_thumbnailer('animals/aardvark.jpg') thumbnail_options = {'crop': True} for size in (50, 100, 250): thumbnail_options.update({'size': (size, size)}) thumbnailer.get_thumbnail(thumbnail_options) Non-Django file objects ----------------------- If you need to process a standard file-like object, use :func:`get_thumbnailer` and provide a ``relative_name`` like this:: picture = open('/home/zookeeper/pictures/my_anteater.jpg') thumbnailer = get_thumbnailer(picture, relative_name='animals/anteater.jpg') thumb = thumbnailer.get_thumbnail({'size': (100, 100)}) If you don't even need to save the thumbnail to storage because you are planning on using it in some more direct way, you can use the :meth:`Thumbnailer.generate_thumbnail` method. Thumbnails generated in this manor don't use any cache reference, i.e. every call to :meth:`Thumbnailer.get_thumbnail` will generate a fresh thumbnail image.